Naked Chef's hot Valentine's Day tip
Jamie Oliver burns penis while cooking roast
Jamie Oliver burnt his penis while cooking a St Valentine's Day meal for his
wife - naked.
Jamie will return to our screens next year /PA
He stripped off to treat wife Jools, but wound up in agony when he got too
close to the oven.
Oliver said: "It was on Valentine's Day. I was naked in the kitchen and
burnt my penis. I really ruined my evening - and my night."
He was apparently preparing a roast when the unfortunate incident happened.
He later treated Jools to a Paris break to make up for their ruined
Valentine's dinner, says The Sun.
The father of two has also revealed he does all the cooking at home but has
hired a cleaner because he can't bear tidying up.
"Jools is obsessed with cleaning but I'm very bad at it. As soon as we could
afford it, we hired a maid. It's our only luxury and I love it. I even leave
the towels on the floor when I've been in the bathroom."