>Crack a "Grade A Jumbo" egg at the middle as cleanly as you can. A sharp
>rap on a hard surface usually does the trick; one must crack with confidence
>to get a clean break. Empty the whites onto a plate with a little bit of
>depth to it. Keep the yolk inside half the shell. Most of the whites will
>slide right out of the egg, but some will remain around the yolk. You can
>use the soft tip of your finger to keep the yolk from spilling out as you
>try to drain whatever last bits of white you can. Don't poke the yolk with
>your fingernail, and don't let the yolk hit the sharp edges of the shell.
>You can get almost all of the egg white out onto the plate this way.
>Do this for enough eggs that you've got an even depth of egg white on the
>plate. Keep all the yolks in half-shells in your egg carton for later use.
>Cover the plate and nuke it for X minutes until the egg whites are
>*completely* cooked. I don't know what X will be in your microwave. In
>mine, it took 3 minutes just for the whites of 1 egg, and parts of those
>whites got badly overcooked. Egg whites have this annoying tendency not to
>cook evenly, there's usually a "hole of goop" at the center that needs more
>cooking time. Haven't quite found a way to deal with that, I'm working on
>it. I hope that an even depth of whites across the plate will make it less
>of a problem; maybe I'll have to spread the goop out with a fork, then cook
>again. Anyways, the point is you're cooking all the whites separately. Do
>whatever it takes to get that job done; this is a subject of further Egg
>Research [TM]!
>I emphasize the egg whites must be *completely* cooked. They are darned
>stubborn to cook, and if you don't get 'em cooked, you're going to ruin your
>yolks trying to get that last bit of white cooked.
>Ok, now plop your raw egg yolks on top of the cooked egg whites. Don't
>break 'em, slide 'em out nicely from their half-shells. Shouldn't be a big
>deal, just do it with confidence. Worry is what breaks the yolks! Cook the
>whole ensemble for Y minutes. Y is probably 35 seconds in my microwave for
>1 jumbo egg yolk - far, far less time than it took to cook the whites.
>Now you've got microwaved "fried" eggs, sunny side up! Mmm. Egg Research
>[TM] !
>Cheers, www.indiegamedesign.com
>Brandon Van Every Seattle, WA
By the time you go to all that trouble you could have easily fried them in a
skillet on the stove.