REC: German Potato Salad
> I do too, Wayne, and I have never had a better recipe than this one. If
> you
> do an online search for German Potato Salad, all you get are recipes with
> mayo and mustard. Huh? That's not supposed to be in there! This recipe
> is the real deal from my German grandmother Esther Berg Ciesemier. (Last
> name used to be Ziesemeier.) Can't get more German than that!
Growing up in Germany I've had both creamy and vinegar dressing. In the
southern parts it's common to use a mixture of broth, vinegar and oil. Bacon
is optional as are lots of other additions. Mayo or dairy-based dressings
are more common in the North.
So I'd say both are typical German but when I see "German potato salad" I
expect the (superior!) version made without mayo.
By the way, many German potato salad makers I've talked to swear that the
marinade must be poured over the potatoes when they are still hot which has
something to do with absorption of the marinade into the potato. Others
prefer using potatoes that were cooked the day before, go figure.
Really good with tarragon too...