Supposedly it will not ferment.
"Gary Flye" > wrote in message
> All,
> When my wife went on a diet and switched from sugar to Splenda, I wondered
> how I could make Port that she could drink. Since she has been using
> Splenda, I decided I would try it to sweeten my latest batch of Port.
> Before bottling, the Port measured -1 degree Brix. Since I was working
> with 3 gallons of wine, I caculated that I needed about 1 pound of sugar
> to raise the Brix up to 2 degrees. I took a small box of Splenda that was
> said to be equivalent to one pound of sugar and added it to my Port. The
> taste was right where I wanted it. However, when I used my hydrometer
> after adding the Splenda, I was suprised to see that it still read -1
> degrees Brix!
> Anyway, from what I can determine, Splenda is a suitable substitute for
> sugar (at least for sweetening finished wine). I have not attemped
> fermentation of Splenda. Perhaps some brave soul will try that and share
> the results.
> Regards,
> Gary