typing with nine fingers
On Sun, 21 May 2006 00:01:11 GMT, Dan Krueger
> wrote:
>Why drag this into an unrelated newsgroup, Kevin? I never posted that here.
To remind the Knitting Circle what a creepy, stalking, incompetent,
and impotent putz you are? Seems reason enough to me.
Why the eagerness to deny responsibility for the crosspost, Dank? No
one accused you, you know. Trying to make sure that your "buddies" in
AFB know that you were blameless in this particular instance of
crossposting? Why?
PS: If even an ignorant racist like The Fat Boi tells you to bugger
off and brands you as inconsequential, you really have reached the
bottom of the barrel.
>You can use trolling as a crutch as long as you want but try not to be
>an asshole and crosspost.
OOOH! The skeery, skeery crosspost. Nothing gets the Knitting Circles
panties in a bunch quite like it. I see you've joined them for tea and
watercress sandwiches.
>I'm not ashamed of my posts and you should feel the same. Your
>employers might not see it that way so you might want to consider that
>they may be lurking here.
Veiled but impotent threat duly noted. Going to start e-mailing my
boss again, Dank?