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Posted to alt.religion.kibology,
Dan Krueger[_1_] Dan Krueger[_1_] is offline
external usenet poster
Posts: 93
Default typing with nine fingers

Kevin S. Wilson wrote:

> On Sun, 21 May 2006 00:01:11 GMT, Dan Krueger
> > wrote:
>>Why drag this into an unrelated newsgroup, Kevin? I never posted that here.

> To remind the Knitting Circle what a creepy, stalking, incompetent,
> and impotent putz you are? Seems reason enough to me.
> Why the eagerness to deny responsibility for the crosspost, Dank? No
> one accused you, you know. Trying to make sure that your "buddies" in
> AFB know that you were blameless in this particular instance of
> crossposting? Why?
> PS: If even an ignorant racist like The Fat Boi tells you to bugger
> off and brands you as inconsequential, you really have reached the
> bottom of the barrel.
>>You can use trolling as a crutch as long as you want but try not to be
>>an asshole and crosspost.

> OOOH! The skeery, skeery crosspost. Nothing gets the Knitting Circles
> panties in a bunch quite like it. I see you've joined them for tea and
> watercress sandwiches.
>>I'm not ashamed of my posts and you should feel the same. Your
>>employers might not see it that way so you might want to consider that
>>they may be lurking here.

> Veiled but impotent threat duly noted. Going to start e-mailing my
> boss again, Dank?

Did I respond to this here? No.

Do you want your boss to get a copy? Just post his/her email address
and it will be done.

You are a sad man, Swilson. Narcissism is treatable with heavy meds and
a 2X4.