Going to Poland. Eating suggestions?
Virginia Tadrzynski wrote:
>>Polish food sounds like winter food! It'll be summer when I'm there. I am
>>determined to have sauerkraut, though.
> Properly grilled, topped with kraut, kielbasa is definitely summer food.
> Pop it in a long hard roll and you have portable food. Try washing it down
> with a local beer and you will have lunch on foot. You will need to try
> kabanozs as well, a form of what we American's refer to by it's market name
> of 'Slim Jim', another sausage type food.
> -ginny
I would have to agree. Grilled kielbasi on a hard roll with a smear of
horseradish mustard is a classic summer treat. And at least he will be
eating the real thing.
I often thought there should be a requirement that those insipid, horrid
industrial "kielbasi like" things made be Hillshure and Hatfield should
be prohibited from using the word "kielbasi" on the label much in the
same way they can't use cheese on space cheese products.
Thankfully there are 2 mom and pop Polish markets in my area that make
the real thing.