Brandon Van Every had something important to tell us on Sat, 3 Apr
2004 15:01:46 -0800:
>Hi! Recently discovered eggs. I've been trying to nuke 'em in my
>microwave. Well, I succeed in nukeing 'em, but the yolks usually end up
>hard. Can't seem to get the whites cooked and the yolks runny. Is there
>some trick?
Buy a microwave egg poacher. It's not perfect but with the white piled
up around the yolk it shields it from the microwaves, so you can end
up with a cooked white and a runny yolk. I don't really like the taste
of microwaved eggs (they're a bit sulphury) but I used to eat them all
the time because they were very quick and easy.
~Karen AKA Kajikit
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