Sourdough Bread with LARGE holes - pics
"Mike Avery" > wrote in message
On 20 May 2006 07:04:23 -0700, Trix > wrote:
I believe you were asked for the recipe, not
a link to order your starter.
She was asked for the recipe, which she has not provided, and in the next
message the same poster asked her which starter she had used. If she had
used Carl's 1847 Oregon Trail and had put a link to the friends of Carl
website would you have been so upset?
I'm not upset or surprised, but the recipe would be helpful. The OP says
the big holes were a product of the recipe and not the kneading, but without
a recipe, how much the particular starter has contributed to those results
is a little hard to determine.
Sorry to support the spam by continuing this thread assuming better info.
isn't forthcoming.