glucose profile after eating
looks like you are the only one who responded that is here to assist. The
rest seem to be juveniles playing around in a serious forum.
I appreciate your feedback.
"Priscilla Ballou" > wrote in message
> In article >,
> "snickers" > wrote:
>> Ley's say your blood sugar runs between 75-110 before you eat - if you
>> eat a
>> low sugar/carb meal - what is "normal' blood sugar levels 1, 2 and 4
>> hours
>> after eating? would it run someting like 135, 175 and then 85? or is this
>> impossible to guestimate? should your morning ratio always be between
>> 75-110
>> for a normal reading?
> What I try to stay within is: under 140 at 1 hour and under 120 at 2
> hours. That is what I've been told will keep my BG in "normal" range.
> At 4 hours, if weren't 1 or 2 hours post a snack, I'd expect to be in
> the mid-low 80s.
> I don't know what you mean by "morning ratio." For diagnostic purposes,
> a normal fasting BG reading is under 100. 100-125 is pre-diabetic or
> impaired glucose tolerance. 126+ is diabetic.
> Priscilla