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Default How to get smell of fingers

Nancy Young had something important to tell us on Fri, 02 Apr 2004
08:32:09 -0500:

>blake murphy wrote:

>> none taken. but i see many recipes with garlic power or dehydrated
>> garlic,items i would never use, and the posters are never excoriated.
>> why is that?

>Because I believe they have their uses. I didn't excoriate anyone,
>let me make that clear. But yes, I do use granulated garlic on, say,
>a grilled steak, because chopped garlic would burn and there is
>nothing worse than burnt garlic.
>But that jarred garlic is flat out tasteless to me.

I like a very MILD dose of garlic... I'm quite happy with the jarred
stuff - the most I ever use is a quarter teaspoon at a time anyway. I
figure it wouldn't be worth using the fresh stuff because I'd never
get through it - one jar of garlic lasts us over a year!

~Karen AKA Kajikit
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