well, i found a place where are making tea tasting sessions. the good
thing is that finally i found something like that in madrid, they
called them:
'I Jornadas de Cata y Degustación de Té' [first tasting and tasting
tea conferences] in
Gran Hotel Conde Duque
Plaza del Conde de Valle de Suchil, 5
T. +34 914477000
the bad part is that i don't want to take part in a advertisement of
the company is organizing this : 'tea shop'... i mean, i hope it won't
only an introduction of the company, and their new products, but
tasting. anyway i'm afraid there are not much choices. if anyone living
in madrid read this and had assisted to any of this tasting 'classes',
please let me know your experience. i will assist to one as soons as i
have a bit of time... maybe in september, i hope
09.05.2006, 23.05.2006, 06.06.2006, 20.06.2006, 26.09.2006, 10.10.2006,
24.10.2006, 07.11.2006, 21.11.2006, 12.12.2006
more info at:
and then link to 'cócteles y tés'
at the moment is only in spanish
regards from madrid,
bonifacio barrio hijosa
.... site in progress