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Default Holiday-themed lunch for group

DP wrote:
> Hello,
> I'll be hosting a group of about 6 women, on a weekend in early
> December, for a holiday-themed luncheon. For what it's worth, the
> "bar" for this luncheon has been set fairly high by some of the other
> members. I am a little nervous because I rarely prepare and serve
> group meals.
> I would appreciate suggestions for a menu and recipes, that:
> --As much as possible, can be made ahead
> --Has an elegant touch
> --Has one vegetarian option (one of the members is vegetarian, but I
> don't think the whole meal needs to be vegetarian simply because she
> is).
> I would also be very grateful for suggestions on how to store the
> made-ahead items, and serving tips. Especially serving tips! For
> example, I have space to set out a buffet, but don't know the smartest
> way to set one out.
> Thanks,
> DP

Presentation should be fairly easy. First of all, if you are serving warm
food in a buffet setting, you will want warmers that don't require
electrical cords running all over the place. Think chafing dishes.

Then too, relish trays and veggies with dip should be fairly easy.
