Wayne Boatwright <wayneboatwright_at_gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue 23 May 2006 02:57:40p, Thus Spake Zarathustra, or was it Victor
> Sack?
> >
> > Eh, do you have a problem with reading comprehension? Kilikini may not
> > live in Germany, but she has very clearly indicated she was talking
> > about a particularly *German* recipe, coming from her *German*-born (and
> > presumably -bred) grandmother. Here is her text again, to jog your
> > obviously failing memory:
> >
> >> > > This recipe is the real deal from my German grandmother Esther Berg
> >> > > Ciesemier. (Last name used to be Ziesemeier.) Can't get more
> >> > > German than that!
> >
> Yes, I read what she wrote and I understood it the first time.
No you didn't, as was very clearly shown by your reply to me - which,
BTW, was nothing but an irrelevant snide remark.
> I don't
> think she was indicating that her grandmother's recipe was the *only*
> recipe for "German Potato Salad".
No one has been talking about her posting the *only* recipe for "German
Potato Salad". Are you trying to play games with me?
> You stay in the US was probably not long enough for you to realize that
> most USians would identify a recipe like kilikini's as a typical "German
> Potato Salad". It's far more common than any other variation.
So, I was right again - you were - and still are - being presumptuous...
this time about what I do and do not realise. And again, you are
showing that you have not read and comprehended that post of Kilikini's,
either, not to speak of my reply.
> > <http://www.foodnetwork.com/food/reci...D_9936_26990,0
> > 0.html> German Potato Salad, Bobby Flay... contains mustards seeds.
> The previous link doesn't appear to work.
It works.