Import duties
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Posts: 506
Import duties
> Here's the law in CA:
> "Adults traveling into California from a foreign country by steamship
> or airplane may carry with them a reasonable amount of alcoholic
> beverages for personal or household use. That amount is not more than
> 60 liters (approximately 5 cases)."
> We bring back this much every time. Declare all of it every time. Have
> never been charged, but that would be fine. Only thing is that the
> customs person usually doesn't know the law, so I carry a printout from
> the ABC webpage. I have had to show it to them pretty much every time,
> and they always say to me "fine, but don't try to bring this much back
> again."
> Check your states ABC (alcoholic beverage control) website and they
> will usually have a section about importing for personal use.
When returning by car from Mexico there are signs that clearly state no
more than 2 bottles of liquor or 2 six-packs of beer per adult may be
brought back. I don't know if I declare it and pay duties if I could
bring more.
On holiday weekends it is quite common to see stacks of cases of
confiscated Corona beer next to the inspection station. Probably one
heck of a party for the agents that night!
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