Raw beets irritate my throat
"Dave" > wrote in message
> Tracey wrote:
>> > wrote in message
>> ups.com...
>> > Has this happened to anyone? I ate this big raw red beet that I grew
>> > for too long in my garden. It irritates my throat. I dunno if it's just
>> > this beet or all of them. Maybe it's just this one. Is this irritation
>> > due to enzymes in the beet? Has this happened to anyone else? It seems
>> > similar to when I hurt my tongue from the enzymes in a pineapple,
>> > although that was worse than the beet.
>> >
>> If I don't take anti-histamines when I eat fruit, raw vegetables and
>> unroasted nuts my mouth itches and gets sore. Not a good thing to have
>> this
>> reaction to these foods when you are a vegetarian (!) but at least the
>> anti-histamines stop the irritation. Cooked veg and fruit I'm fine with
>> (and nuts if they're roasted), just can't have them in their raw state
>> without the allergy meds. Try Googling 'contact urticaria caused by
>> food'.
> Is it a good idea to eat foods that you are intolerant of and then use
> drugs
> to mitigate the effects?
>> Tracey
I did wonder about that myself for a while, but I am allergic to so many
things, including the sun, I wouldn't be able to do much if I didn't take
the anti-histamines and do it anyway. The foods I am sensitive to don't
actually effect me in any life-threatening way like somebody with a nut
allergy might be effected, they just irritate the inside of my mouth.