Too much trouble
"Brian Christiansen" > wrote in message
. com...
>A while back, I was at Safeway, and I was looking for chipotle chiles, and
>a man came and helped me look a bit. While we were looking, he asked me
>what I do with them. I told him that I cut up a sweet potato, steam it for
>~15 minutes, then mash it with a chopped chipotle, some adobo sauce, some
>butter, and some salt, the recipe is on the food network site, under the
>show "Good Eats" (probably lots of other places too). He said that the
>recipe sounded good, but that it also sounded like "too much trouble."
> I didn't say anything other than "thank you for helping me look," and I
> cannot remember if we even found them. I think just about anyone here
> could regognize that procedure as making mashed sweet potatoes. However,
> two things have occured to me since then, 1) I don't have any idea of any
> other wat to get mashed sweet potatoes, and 2) if that man thought that
> that simple procedure is "too much trouble," he must not cook.
> Brian Christiansen
I like your sweet potato and chipotle idea. I have sweet potatoes seldom as
I only like the yellow-dry type that I purchase at an 'global' market. But
I always have chipotle (from a can). It sounds delicious to me.
And you're right -- soo simple. I usually bake my sweet potato, but I have
sliced in relatively thin and steamed; and I have cut uplike potatoes and
boiled. Any of these ways produce mashed potato style.
My f-i-l says (I've said this too many times) that when he watches
foodnetwork (I'm sure only a mini-second), that all he sees them doing is
stirring, stirring, stirring, and that anyone can do that. I don't think he
wants to become involved in such a trivial pursuit, as there is according to
him, no pursuit; all you do is stir, stir, stir. To each his own (in
cooking, as in all other things).
Dee Dee