TV Chefs and Real Chefs
> wrote in message
> Virginia Tadrzynski wrote:
>> Fictional:
>> "Mama" in A Tree Grows in Brooklyn. No money, no government support, and
>> she made sure her kids were fed. My kind of woman, she knew what was
>> important.
>> TV/Real(?): Tony Bourdain, hands down. The man is a trained cook who
>> isn't
>> afraid to eat damn near anything.
> Plus, when something Bourdain eats tastes foul (like the Iguana tamales
> he eat in Mexico on the old Cook's Tour show), he says so. In fact,
> he's arguably at his most entertaining when he's ranting about how bad
> something is. And when Bourdain says something's great, it's
> believable. Someone like Rachel Ray is useless as a source of info
> because she has the same feigned orgasmic reaction to everything she
> puts in her mouth.
I can't remember which program it was, but he went to the restaurant "French
Laundry" (I believe it was - it's considered by many the best restaurant in
the U.S.) and was tasting each dish and commenting. My favorite was when he
ordered the lowly "french fry" to see how it compared. He really had a long
face when he had to admit how good they were. Bet he was back in the
kitchen pronto asking chef how they were made.
Dee Dee