wait staff rudeness
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wait staff rudeness
I think that I'd rather be bothered than be ignored. Happened to me
last night. I hated to do it, but after begging for my check and then
begging for my change, I simply left half of a torn dollar bill on the
table. I'm hoping the message was understood.
wrote in message >. ..
> On Sun, 5 Oct 2003 05:45:36 -0500, "jmcquown" > wrote:
> > Would you rather have to wave your arms over your head if something *were*
> > wrong? I was a server; the companies I worked for insisted I go back and
> > check mid-meal to make sure everything was satisfactory. I can't imagine
> > any conversation at a restaurant being *that* intense that you wouldn't be
> > able to break off and say "We're fine, thanks".
> Exactly. Most people can manage to stay focused long enough to say "We're okay"
> or "Could you bring (whatever is needed)?".
> People are generally either eating or talking when they dine. I would rather be
> interrupted in the midst of a conversation, than with a mouthful of food. Even
> then, a nod and a smile will suffice. One can hardly expect the waitstaff to be
> clairvoyant.
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