jay wrote:
> On Fri, 26 May 2006 13:54:24 -0700, Sheldon wrote:
>> Is this worth remembering to tune in?
>> http://www.realitytvworld.com/news/f...prize-4017.php
>> Sheldon
> The worst crap I have ever seen! You would be way better at that job than
> that British chef. Is there such a thing as a British chef? <G>
Funny, I've always wondered if there were any American chefs apart from
Alice Waters? I mean Anthony Bourdain is more of a comedian, and James
Beard's dead. Is there anybody you would take seriously? I mean,
Wolfgang Puck, oh dea,r oh dear...
I reckon Ramsey would be too mild mannered for Sheldon You know he used
to be a professional footballer? Tell you what, though, he's got a good
business head, I've seen him calculating profit margins off the top of
his head on another show, and it was deeply impressive.