Cooktop settings and temperatures
Sheldon wrote:
>> Now let's put this in the context of an electric pan,
> How about you shove your faggoty 'lectric pan up your dumb ass... so
> we'll know when it's time to add the Crisco.
Just about the reaction I expected. Whenever you're wrong you resort to
name-calling. I think you learned that from your mother. She taught you a
few things you carry with you, such as how to please a man and the value of
a quarter -- and how those two things are connected.
>> where the temperature given on the dial *does* correspond to a cooktop
>> setting. "Simmer" would be right around 212F.
> What a moroon! Right on par with the rest of the low IQ Bobs.
Can't even spell "moron" correctly. What an idiot.
I'll throw out the same challenge to you that I threw out to ensenadajim: If
you want to compare certified IQ's, I'll bet ten thousand dollars that mine
is higher than yours. Put up or shut up, boy.