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Default wait staff rudeness

travisty writes:
>You know what drives me up the wall?

Do tell.

>The last two times I took my
>wife out to dinner to have a nice meal, somebody else decided to try
>to impress their business associate by taking them out to dinner and
>sat at a table next to us and BLAH BLAH BLAHed about business stuff
>the whole time we were trying to eat.

You expect to pay under $20 for two and have the entire joint all to

And this is somehow due to the wait staff's rudeness... duh! Sounds more like
you're a cheap ******* who drags his wife to some fercocktah low-class chain
eatery and then expects a 5-star dining experience. Idiot.

---= BOYCOTT FRENCH--GERMAN (belgium) =---
---= Move UNITED NATIONS To Paris =---
"Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."