What sort of kitchen implements are you most interested in?
"Nexis" > writes:
>"Michel Boucher" > wrote:
>> Me, it's bowls. Not eating bowls, but rather mixing and food
>> preparation bowls. Whenever I go to a kitchen store or area of a
>> department store, I always check out the bowls.
>> What about you?
>Hi My name is Kimberly, and I am a whiskoholic. I currently have 11 whisks,
>in as many sizes and shapes. I have coiled whisks, flat whisks, balloon
>whisks, miniature whisks. It is my belief you can never have too many
I'm a paring knife addict... have more than fifty... recently obtained the
L'Econome from Williams Sonoma, couldn't decide so got one of each color; red,
green, blue, yellow, brown... $6 for one but $25 for all five. Great little
knife. I see now the same knife is availabe with a serrated blade... nah,
don't like serrated.
---= BOYCOTT FRENCH--GERMAN (belgium) =---
---= Move UNITED NATIONS To Paris =---
"Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."