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LucasP LucasP is offline
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Posts: 70
Default "Pie and chips"???!! Those *** Brits!!!

"Ophelia" > wrote in

>>>But what on spinning Earth does the British gecko mean in those tv
>>>commercials when saying that insurance quotes are as popular as "pie
>>>and chips"?!
>>>I have some fondness of British culture, accents and language, and
>>>while I've heard of British cuisine as being, um, let us say ...
>>>exotic ... I've never heard of "pie AND chips" as some kind of meal,
>>>desert or side dish.
>>>Unless, does "pie" mean something different in English than it does
>>>in American?

Well....... DUH!!!

Is the most used language on the planet 'American'...... or English??

>>>I mean I've enjoyed a Big Mac, fries and apple pie from McDonalds but
>>>I never thought of the "fries and pie" as its own entity. "Burger
>>>and fries",
>>>sure, like "ham and eggs" or "eggs and grits" or "toast and coffee",
>>>but "pie and chips"?
>>>-- Anglophile Ken from Chicago

Go buy a pie and chips, and find out for yourself.

I really wish these Yanks would stop thinking that their
language/culture is the be all to end all.

Here in Oz, if you ask for a pie, you get asked..... " What sort? Plain,
steak and onion, steak and mushroom, pie and peas, chicken pie.... etc,

We all know that the namby pamby Yanks view a 'pie' as something with
fruit in it, or maybe some tinned pumpkin (BLECH!!!!)......... but for
fricks sake..... at least try to learn that not every country in the
world speaks 'American', and not every country in the world has the same
crap food that you do.

A pie and chips is regarded as staple food in some parts of Oz (usually
as a counter meal in some backwater Pub, but even so........).

So...... Ken from Shitcargo........ pull your head out of your arse and
learn about other cultures rather than sit there and slag off about
something you know nothing of.

BTW, my American wife was from Shitcargo...... no wonder I took full
advantage of the Californian divorce laws!!

Peter Lucas

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