Memorial Day Menu
On Mon, 29 May 2006 12:56:26 GMT, kilikini wrote:
> "Bob Terwilliger" > wrote in message
> ...
> >
> Wow!
I *know*! I got tired just reading his list. LOL
> If I'm really feeling up to it,
I'm worring about you and praying for you, Kili.
> I may make packet of Ramen noodles.
> Seriously.
> kili
It's just the two of us this year.
I found some country style ribs on sale for 99¢ lb, so we're having
that today. Bob's margarita chicken sounds delicious although I'm not
finding a recipe that doesn't call for margarita mix.
corn on the cob
baked beans
potato salad (unless Bob tells me more about his potato kebabs)
and dessert - maybe I'll make a cheesecake, maybe brownies...
Ham and eggs.
A day's work for a chicken, a lifetime commitment for a pig.