Memorial Day Menu
On 29 May 2006 09:51:24 -0700, aem wrote:
> sf wrote:
> >
> > I found some country style ribs on sale for 99¢ lb, so we're having
> > that today. Bob's margarita chicken sounds delicious although I'm not
> > finding a recipe that doesn't call for margarita mix. [snip]
> >
> Margarita mix is bad stuff, both for the drinks and for the chicken.
> Instead, I brown chicken pieces well, then flame and deglaze the pan
> with tequila. Add garlic, onion if desired, lime zest, lime juice and
> triple sec. Some minced jalapeño, occasionally. A little chicken
> stock if necessary to have enough liquid. Simmer till done. Pretty
> good. -aem
Sounds good and more like I usually cook, so thanks - but I thought
his was a marinade!
Ham and eggs.
A day's work for a chicken, a lifetime commitment for a pig.