On 29 May 2006 21:48:06 -0500, Bob Terwilliger wrote:
> sf wrote:
> >> Margarita mix is bad stuff, both for the drinks and for the chicken.
> >> Instead, I brown chicken pieces well, then flame and deglaze the pan
> >> with tequila. Add garlic, onion if desired, lime zest, lime juice and
> >> triple sec. Some minced jalapeņo, occasionally. A little chicken
> >> stock if necessary to have enough liquid. Simmer till done. Pretty
> >> good. -aem
> >
> >
> > Sounds good and more like I usually cook, so thanks - but I thought
> > his was a marinade!
> Sorry I didn't read this until now. Yes, my margarita chicken *is* a
> marinade. First, you butterfly a chicken. Then you mix orange juice, lime
> juice, tequila, and salt together and marinade the chicken in that mixture
> for several hours. When you're ready to cook, you slather the chicken with
> butter, sprinkle it with paprika, and grill.
> The original recipe came from _The New West Coast Cuisine_, though I don't
> think I follow the recipe very closely.
Thanks, Bob!... youe method is now saved.
Ohhh slathering the chicken with butter before grilling sounds
absolutely delish!
Taking a cue fromwhat your posted, I went with an orange juice
theme.... I marinated my chicken in orange juice and garlic for a few
hours. When I put it on the grill, I sprinkled some cinnamon on top.
Bad timing! The cinnamon burned, even though the heat was medium.
Next time, the cinnamon will go straight into the OJ marinade. Oh,
well.... my idea came too late - and that's how it goes.
Oh, well. It tasted good anyway.

Ham and eggs.
A day's work for a chicken, a lifetime commitment for a pig.