For Soldiers' Appetites, Reinforcements
jmcquown wrote:
> Well sweetie, those soldiers appreciate care packages from home, even if it
> isn't from their own home. My father is a veteran of WWII, Korea and
> VietNam
I'm not imprressed. He went through all that and is still a racist
asshole? Some people apparently will never learn, will they?
> and he sure appreciated letters (they didn't have email back then)
> and cookies and brownies. So don't go shooting off your mouth lightly.
> Unlike me picking and choosing cookies and snacks for an airplane, people
> who join the military and get shipped off don't get to choose where they are
> sent. And every little care package reminds them we care even if we don't
> approve of the war they are fighting.
> Jill
Yeah, "Honey", and bullshit articles in the media like this one make
people think war is just cookies and rosy welcome-homes. And I'll
"shoot off my mouth" anytime I ****ing feel like it. Get it?