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Nathalie Chiva Nathalie Chiva is offline
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Posts: 308
Default Fussy eaters-kids

On 30 May 2006 16:12:16 -0700, "
> wrote:

>My 6yr old daughter is a really fussy eater, it is worthy of mention
>that she is diabetic, so her diet is extremely important.

Since she is a diabetic, I would
a) Get the doctor to give her a good talking to - why she must eat
this and that food etc.
b) Use the strict way: You eat this (or a choise of "this" or "that"),
or you don't eat till next meal (*don't* get soft and give her "just a
little bit" of what she wants, it'll cancel the whole thing). After a
few days that'll be it. It won't be easy for you, but keep in mind
it's really important for her.

Note: I had the same kind of problem with my then 1.5 yo son, and I
didn't take the strict way (I took way Nr 2 explained hereafter)
because he has no health problem and also because he was so young I
couldn't even argue with him, but the pedriatrician I consulted told
me that in essence, when you have that kind of problem, there are 3
ways, and either works well, on the only condition that parents use
one and only one (and don't go to and fro from being strict to being
1) The strict way I explained
2) Total laxism (the child gets what he wants, the parents abandon all
table war and stop remarking on what the child eat/doesn't eat etc.)
3) Leaving an assortment of food at the child's disposal and letting
him/her eat from that when he/she wants.

Nathalie in Switzerland