In article >,
"jmcquown" > wrote:
> -L. wrote:
> > Gregory Morrow wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >> For Soldiers' Appetites, Reinforcements
> >
> > <snip>
> >
> > **** sending them cookies. Just bring them back home!
> >
> > "Personal interest" stories like this make me wanna puke. Let's hear
> > the real stories of war - where little kids get shrapnel in the eyes
> > and grandmas get their legs blown off. War is not about cookies and
> > emails from soldiers.
> >
> > -L.
> Well sweetie, those soldiers appreciate care packages from home, even if it
> isn't from their own home. My father is a veteran of WWII, Korea and
> VietNam and he sure appreciated letters (they didn't have email back then)
> and cookies and brownies. So don't go shooting off your mouth lightly.
> Unlike me picking and choosing cookies and snacks for an airplane, people
> who join the military and get shipped off don't get to choose where they are
> sent. And every little care package reminds them we care even if we don't
> approve of the war they are fighting.
> Jill
I don't think she was suggesting that we don't send moral packages.....
It's one way to keep them from despair. I've read some reports that
suicide rates among troops are unacceptably high so they need all the
love we can send them.
But we do need to bring them home. The turning point has come and the
people over there don't want us there anymore.
I love that line from "The Postman":
"It'd be great if wars were fought
just by the assholes who started them."
Lets put Bush and Hussein into a ring with a pair of swords. Winner take
all. Hell of it is, both of them are cowards....... <sigh>
"My mother never saw the irony in calling me a Son of a bitch"
-- Jack Nicholson