For Soldiers' Appetites, Reinforcements
In article . com>,
"-L." > wrote:
> Reg wrote:
> > OmManiPadmeOmelet wrote:
> >
> > > I don't think she was suggesting that we don't send moral packages.....
> > > It's one way to keep them from despair. I've read some reports that
> > > suicide rates among troops are unacceptably high so they need all the
> > > love we can send them.
> >
> > Exactly. So how does "**** sending them cookies" help
> > in this endeavor?
> The point is Reg, sending them cookies doesn't do a hell of a lot to
> help them out - as compared to stopping this ill-conceived,
> ill-executed, offensive war and getting them home.
> >
> > > But we do need to bring them home.
> >
> > The one has nothing to do with the other. I worry
> > when people confuse these two issues.
> >
> > Our troops != Our leaders
> Lead us where? Hell in a handbasket? The "troups" are the biggest
> group of followers there are.
> -L.
I don't entirely agree with that...
All thru history, troops do what they are told, go where they are sent
and, well, just try to survive. Most of them are just pawns in a giant
chess game and are just as helpless as we are.
Rebelling or deserting earns nothing but a jail sentence.
I work with several ex-military. What is interesting is that the split
is about 60-30-10.
60% of them are against this whole mess and object to it, 30% are
gung-ho all towards it, and 10% don't know what to think.
"My mother never saw the irony in calling me a Son of a bitch"
-- Jack Nicholson