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Gabby Gabby is offline
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Posts: 160
Default Fussy eaters-kids

Roberta wrote:
> Gabby wrote:
> > Julia Altshuler wrote:
> >
> >> That's the advice for non-diabetic fussy eaters. Check with her doctor
> >> on whether it is O.K. for her to skip meals. I'm guessing it isn't.
> >> The rest of my advice is sure to be contraversial, and I'm not sure of
> >> this, but I'd say to go ahead and follow the above advice even if it
> >> promises to land her in the hospital if she doesn't eat. That way,
> >> you're sending the message that she's responsible for her ultimate good
> >> health and well-being. It would only take once, and the power struggle
> >> would be over.

> >
> > Yeah, put her into insulin shock, that'll teach her!
> >
> > Gabby
> >

> I don't have diabetes so I don't know and am asking this question
> honestly...what will happen if she eats all the wrong foods? Won't she
> get sick that way as well?

The challenge is to keep her carb intake on the low side to keep her
blood sugars down. With what she listed, it would be difficult, but
not impossible to accomplish. But if the kid eats cheese sandwiches,
yogurt, apples & bananas, and baked beans you can still make her a
healthy meal. I'm just thinking that it's a very boring diet.
