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Julia Altshuler Julia Altshuler is offline
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Default Fussy eaters-kids

Nexis wrote:

> The problem with that last part is that it may not be just a hospital trip. Not
> everyone who has a severe bout of hypoglycemia recovers. It would be better to find
> out how long she can go without eating and still be relatively safe. Then make sure
> to have juice on hand to keep her levels high enough to avoid insulin shock and make
> her drink it. Continue to offer the foods that she can safely eat. The odds of a
> child that age going hungry for too long is pretty slim.

You expressed what I was trying to say better than I did. I still admit
that I don't know anything about the medical side of diabetes. My idea
was first to check with the doctor to see if the plan was safe, then
offer healthful, nutritious food with an eat-it-or-not attitude. I
should have included something about making sure that something is
offered that she normally doesn't mind eating. We agree that a 6 year
old isn't likely to refuse all food for long, and that's what I was
trying to convey with the idea of the parents sticking to their guns
even if a hospital trip was involved-- not withholding food until the
kid dies. (I forget that there are people out there in usenet land who
don't know me. I don't always express myself well. I'm never in favor
of killing kids.)
