-L. wrote:
> Gregory Morrow wrote:
> > http://www.nytimes.com/2006/05/31/dining/31care.html
> >
> > For Soldiers' Appetites, Reinforcements
> <snip>
> **** sending them cookies. Just bring them back home!
No. Do both. They're not there by their own choice.
> "Personal interest" stories like this make me wanna puke. Let's hear
> the real stories of war - where little kids get shrapnel in the eyes
> and grandmas get their legs blown off. War is not about cookies and
> emails from soldiers.
Sure it is. It's about all those things. And if this war were a real
war, in which we all were involved viscerally, you'd understand that,
too. But it's not. It's a sham war, where certain people send certain
other people under their nefarious control to die in order to create
the imprimatur of power.
Send the ****ing cookies. And a letter reminding them how they were
shafted by a coordinated conspiracy to lie to Congress.