Yes, thank you very much! I wasn't sure if it needed to be fully peeled or
whatnot :-) Ohhh I'm so excited!
"Katra" > wrote in message
> In article >,
> "Emily Quesenberry" > wrote:
> > Ok I think I'm finally going to try it. I have always been a fan of
> > and I mean anything with ginger in it, but for some reason I am
> > scared using it. I am planning on doing a lovely little oriental themed
> > dinner sometime in the upcoming week and was wanting to incorporate some
> > ginger...
> >
> > Does anyone have any tips on using ginger or preparing it - preferences
> > maybe even a favorite ginger recipe, even if it's not oriental in
> > I've got quite a few recipes, I'm just unsure of what exactly I should
> > at the grocery store in terms of the ginger itself.
> >
> > Thanks in advance - I"m slowly learning :-)
> I use a lot of ginger, mainly in stir fry's, but I made turkey soup
> tonight from the backbones of a couple of turkeys. I added ginger and
> garlic to that and oh did it come out good!
> I personally purchase fresh ginger root from the grocery store and keep
> it in a basket or paper bag in the 'frige. I break off as much as I want
> to use, then wash well and cut off any blemishes, but I don't bother to
> peel it.
> I then run it over a fine cheese grater. Quick and easy, and works very
> well for nearly any recipe that I make.
> Hope this helps?
> K.
> --
> Sprout the Mung Bean to reply...
> >,,<Cat's Haven Hobby Farm>,,<Katraatcenturyteldotnet>,,<
> id=katra