Uncle Enrico wrote:
> My diet preference calls for a steady supply of cabbage for albondigas soup,
> cole slaw, cabbage rolls and cabbage stir fry. I typically have a ready
> supply of cole slaw for snacks.
> Well, my local Albertsons gouges me on the cabbage--89 cents a pound. So,
> I've been going to Food 4 Less and getting it at half price.
> The other day, I bought two giant cabbages at the Wilson Park Farmer's
> Market for $1.50 each. Each head was just a little smaller than a
> basketball with plenty of green leaf on the outside and tender white leaf
> in the center.
> Whenever I'm eating coleslaw or cabbage soups, weight maintenance or loss is
> much easier because cabbage is so filling, and doesn't contribute to weight
> gain.
> Sometimes I think that my body expends more energy than it derives from
> eating cabbage.
We love cabbage. It's so filling and it needs a lot of chewing which
makes you think that you are eating more than you really are <g> It
stretches stir fries, makes soups wonderful and keeps one regular. A
wonder veggie!!
I chop some onion and saute it in a little olive oil until soft. (You
could do this with a piece of bacon and use the grease instead of the
olive oil or even use butter) Then I add shredded cabbage, lots of black
pepper and a little low-sodium, fat-free chicken broth, pop the lid on
the skillet and let it cook until the cabbage is soft but not mush.
Great side dish and very filling.
Wish we could eat more cabbage but we have to somewhat limit green stuff
now that we have to deal with the warfarin and vitamin K business.
Janet Wilder
The Road Princess