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Rick & Cyndi
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Default How to go about using/preparing GINGER

"Emily Quesenberry" > wrote in message
: Ok I think I'm finally going to try it. I have always been a
: and I mean anything with ginger in it, but for some reason I am
: scared using it. I am planning on doing a lovely little
oriental themed
: dinner sometime in the upcoming week and was wanting to
incorporate some
: ginger...
: Does anyone have any tips on using ginger or preparing it -
preferences or
: maybe even a favorite ginger recipe, even if it's not oriental
in nature?
: I've got quite a few recipes, I'm just unsure of what exactly I
should get
: at the grocery store in terms of the ginger itself.
: Thanks in advance - I"m slowly learning :-)
: =========

Candied!! Yumm! Totally rocks!!


Candied Ginger

1/2 lb Fresh ginger
1 1/2 c Sugar
1 1/2 c Water
2 tb Light corn syrup

Crystallizing ginger is a lengthy process, but having these
choice sweets on hand is reward enough. Peel 1/2 pound fresh
ginger and slice 1/4 inch thick. Bring to a boil in water to
cover. Simmer, covered for 2+1/2 hours. Drain, simmer in fresh
water for another hour, or until tender. Drain. Bring to a boil
1+1/2 cups sugar, 1+1/2 cups water, and 2 tablespoons light corn
syrup; cook for 2 minutes. Add the ginger. Remove from the heat
and let stand until cool, or overnight. Again bring the syrup
to a boil. Simmer, stirring occasionally, for 1 to 3 hours, or
until the ginger is translucent. If the syrup thickens too
quickly, thin with a little hot water. Remove the pan from the
heat and set the ginger pieces on a wire rack to dry for a few
hours. Roll them in granulated sugar and store in a glass jar.
Young tender ginger works best.

Using 15 # PSI

Place ginger on a rack and fill cooker with water until the
ginger is submerged. Cover and cook on high until
your rocker jiggles. Reduce heat yet maintain a gentle rock -
cook for 13 minutes.

Use a semi-quick release (flip rocker to where the steam

Once cooled - empty and refill with fresh water.

Repeat above EXCEPT once you lower temperature - maintain a
gentle rock for 10 minutes.

Do the semi-quick release again.

Drain and cool the ginger.

Prepare the simple syrup (sugar, water & corn syrup) in the
cooker without the lid.

Add the ginger, bring to a boil and maintain a simmer (WITHOUT
THE LID) for approximately 1 1/2 hours or until the ginger is
translucent. Be sure to stir occasionally.

Remove ginger and cool on wire racks for a few hours. Roll in
granulated sugar and store in a glass jar.