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Kathi Jones Kathi Jones is offline
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Default Online again

"George Shirley" > wrote in message
. ..
> Got my computer back today and I'm about $4K poorer but recovered all my
> data from a blue screen crash a month ago.
> No on to preserving: recently put up 8 pints of green beans and ate
> about 4 pints. Tomorrow am we pick the Blue Lake bush beans again and a
> casual look says I'll be canning again. Picked about 15 or 16 lbs of
> cukes today so am planning to put up several, say 8, quarts of sweet
> pickles, the limed kind that we like. I have, pay attention now Bob
> Baron, 3 gallons of Aji Limon de Peru hot chiles in the freezer and will
> be grinding them up for hot sauce very soon. The eggplant are coming in
> like gangbusters so I will very shortly make several pans of moussaka
> and then vac seal and freeze them. Hopefully I won't loose another
> freezer full of homegrown food to a hurricane this year.
> Speaking of hurricanes, Rita cost us about $3K and the insurance company
> about $14K. We have a beautiful new roof, a new ceiling in the living
> room, some new fence and three less trees. We bought a new Santa Rosa
> plum and a LA Feliciana peach to replace the two fruit trees we lost to
> Rita. We got one peach and one plum left from the depredations of the
> squirrels and the grackles. There are no simmons left on the Fuyu
> persimmon tree, got no idea what ate them little green things but it
> must have been very hungry. Oh yeah, just notice the Loquat tree died
> today. We cut down the last mayhaw tree andit and loquat were totally
> non-productive.
> Healthwise I'm about as good as I'm going to get. Two more mid-major
> strokes on May 11th put me in the emergency room for several hours but I
> came home and am doing okay I guess. Doctors tell me this sort of thing
> will be going on for what's left of my life so I'm trying to get used to
> a stiff lower lip, numb right ear, right forearm and hand and right leg,
> which incidentally is now half the diameter of the left leg. Can't
> figure out why that's happening as I walk on both of them at the same
> time. <VBG>
> I've missed all you people but I'm finally back. Bless you all and all
> of your families.
> George, Miz Anne, and Sleepy Dawg Shirley

glad to see you back and at it George! You were missed!
