"Pie and chips"???!! Those GAY Brits!!!
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Posted to,soc.culture.british,,misc.consumers,
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Posts: 4
"Pie and chips"???!! Those *** Brits!!!
In article >,
Miller) wrote:
> *From:*
(Geoff Miller)
> *Date:* 1 Jun 2006 12:23:12 -0700
> Mark Nobles > writes:
> > Exactly. The influence of all these great empires extended far beyond
> > their borders, and not just to the nearby nations that paid them
> > tribute to escape their military might.
> But not as much as America has today. Like I said, they were influ-
> ential in their day, but they couldn't hold a candle to us.
The British doubtless said that about the Romans, and the Romans about the
Achaemenids, and so ad infinitum - at any given time the current holder of
the 'most powerful nation to date' title is likely to have many apparent
advantages (in particular, better technology) over its predecessors.
But why do you suppose that in another 200 or 300 years there won't be
another empire - I won't hazard a guess as to where it will originate from
- saying "the Americans were influential in their day, but they couldn't
hold a candle to us"?
The poster formerly known as
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