I love Fabreze deodorizer for my carpest and drapes.It leaves a nice
fresh smell. But boiling some cinnamon sticks for awhile also helps, or
sprinkle baking soda on the carpets and let it sit awhile and then
OmManiPadmeOmelet wrote:
> In article .com>,
> "KevinS" > wrote:
> > OmManiPadmeOmelet wrote on June 1, 2006:
> >
> > > Lots of incense......
> > > and replace or get rid of the carpet.
> >
> > So, what do you do to get rid of the incense smell (besides doing some
> > more Indian
> > cooking)?
> It fades on it's own.
> I also use the same trick in the truck to get rid of cigarette smoke
> odor when the truck has been to the shop and some asshole mechanic
> smoked in it. :-P
> It works.
> It's also good in the house to get rid of burnt food odors if I
> accidently scorch something, and "cooking oil" odor from deep frying
> when the oil was allowed to get a bit too old. ;-)
> I use Gonesh "Ancient times #6" or hand made Nag Champa from India.
> --
> Peace!
> Om
> "My mother never saw the irony in calling me a Son of a bitch"
> -- Jack Nicholson