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C. James Strutz
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Default If You Eat Pork of any kind

"Dave W." > wrote in message
> In article >,
> "C. James Strutz" > wrote:
> <snip>
> >
> > Raising livestock as a food source is a huge inefficiency of resources.

> > amount of grain used to feed livestock could feed many times the number

> > people than the meat could feed. Livestock also consume huge amounts of
> > fresh water which is in short supply in many parts of the world. And the
> > pork industry, in particular, is a major producer of hazerdous waste.
> > Furthermore, many of the hungry people of the world couldn't afford to

> > meat even if you could get it to them easily (it must be refrigerated).

> > the meat eaters of the world who are contributing more to world

> >

> Read Malthus. Sounds to me like the problem is over population (whatever
> happened to the zero-growth folks?) I will not lower the quality of my
> life so we can stuff another few billion souls on this already
> overburdoned planet.

You're right that overpopulation is a problem. However, I contend that not
eating meat and dairy raises the quality of life rather than lowering it....

> I've lived a rather long and productive life. However I intentionally
> didn't produce children so that we earthlings could afford to grow a few
> more cows.
> Regards,
> Dave (pass the gravy) W.
> --
> Living in the Ozarks. For email, dot edu will do!