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Reg[_1_] Reg[_1_] is offline
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Default Storing Wine for Cooking?

Nancy Young wrote:

> Doesn't matter if it keeps a day, yuck. Not being a snob, it
> really is as bad as advertised. You can freeze leftover wine,
> find a way to freeze it in one cup/whatever servings so you can
> just pull out what you need.

A little tip from Nigella Lawson that she let slip on
one of her shows:

After everyone goes home from her parties, she pours all
the leftover wine into an ice tray and freezes it for
later use in cooking. Not from the bottle, mind you, from
all the guest's glasses.

What cracked me up was she made it sound like she
was a bit embarrassed about it. Way to keep a secret,
put it into your show!
