Deviled Eggs Query
In article >,
Terry Pulliam Burd > wrote:
> On Fri, 02 Jun 2006 08:21:31 -0500, Melba's Jammin'
> > rummaged among random neurons
> and opined:
> <snip of insulting babble from a Demented Woman>
> >Now let me ask you something, Woman: Do you actually follow the recipe?
> >I mean measuring the ingredients?
> Sort of. I use the same ingredients, but I "eyeball" the amounts. I
> likes what I likes and I like Comfort Food deviled eggs like my mother
> made 'em. You got a problem with that, girlie?
Hardly!! I was just curious -- I wouldn't be measuring, either. Kinda
touchy, are you? :-) Stressing over your shindig next week? Dang, I
wish I could be there!
> I prefer the prepared mustard, although "preferred" is probably a
> stretch, as I've never tried dried mustard. I just don't like the idea
> of putting a dry ingredient into something I want plenny wet, Loosey.
> As to the vinegar, it's a small proportion that adds, IMHO, a little
> zip to the DE.
Just add a leetle more mayo to compensate.
> Cookin next weekend and I'm not doing deviled eggs. I'm leaning toward
> Mexican...wish you could be here. I did mention the spare bedroom???
Heh, I wrote the above before I saw this. Like I said -- dang!! You
gonna have anything good for 'sert?
<> Updated 5/29/2006, What They Did For Love
"If it's not worth doing to excess, it's not worth doing at all."