Our favorite Meatloaf
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ms. tonya
external usenet poster
Posts: 151
Our favorite Meatloaf
>on Sat, Jun 3, 2006, 7:35pm (EDT-3
(nancree) wrote:
>I do mine just a little differently--it's more like a
>roast . I just offer it as a suggestion, but
>my family and neighbors wouldn't have it any other way.
>No tomatoes.
>1 lb.ground beef
>1/2 lb. pork sausage meat
>Chopped onion
>2 eggs
>1 1/2 to two cups of bread crumbs
>A good bit of Poultry Seasoning (sage, thyme, rosemary, parsley)
>salt and pepper
>(if you can't find ground pork in the meat section
>you can use Jimmy Dean sausage .)
>Put this in a large bowl, and mix it thoroughly
>with your hands. Use a large, rectangular metal pan, (I
>use one that has a teflon type coating inside.)
>Make the meatloaf into a "loaf" shape and place it
>in the pan. (Do
>"not" cook it in a loaf pan)
>Bake 350 degrees, til done and a bit of crust
>starts to form in the pan.
>Remove loaf to a serving platter. Make a good brown
>gravy with the drippings, and season it well. (I add
>a very small amount of garlic powder at this point,
>you don't really detect it in the taste, but it
>definitely adds something. )
>Slice, not too thick, and serve with gravy.
>It also makes wonderful sandwiches, with mayonnaise and
I've used many recipes alway trying to find the perfect meatloaf and
learned a lot of good tips in here.
Another good tip came from Paula Dean -food network- , she uses
sanwich bread to sit her meatload on in pan before baking to absorb the
grease instead of loaf baking in it's own grease.
Tried her hint and it work nicely.
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ms. tonya
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