Our favorite Meatloaf
itsjoannotjoann wrote:
> ms. tonya wrote:
> >
> > Another good tip came from Paula Dean -food network- , she uses
> > sanwich bread to sit her meatload on in pan before baking to absorb the
> > grease instead of loaf baking in it's own grease.
> >
> > Tried her hint and it work nicely.
> Do you just slice through the greasy bread and serve it with the
> meatloaf or is there a trick to getting it off the bottom??
> I always just pour the grease off and dispose of it in the trash.
Well, chacun au gout, but the point of my method was the gravy, which
is wonderful with meatloaf. I tip the pan to one corner, then you can
see the meaty juice, with the fat on the top. I discard enough fat so
that there are equal parts of fat and meat juice. You can tell by the
color. Then you stir in some flour to make a roux, add some water, stir
and scrape , salt and pepper and a bit of garlic salt, let it boil in
the pan for a bit, then add water, stir and cook, and you will have a
nice gravy. Most gravies have some fat in them.