Dave Smith wrote:
> Sheldon wrote:
> >
> > > The one I bought has three separate burners on the bottom and a fourth one
> > > across the back for rotisserie.
> >
> > Show me.
> http://www.broilkingbbq.com/BroilKin...t.asp?PID=147#
> 50,000 BTU triple burner
> 15,000 BTU rotisserie burner
When using in the rotisserie mode this is no longer a grill... it's a
convertible thingie, see he
And still it mentions nothing about needing a pan under the food being
And it's not a very good web site, doesn't really depict the unit other
than with the lid shut on the home page.
The rotisserie unit is crap, especially that weak motor, and most
especially the battery powered unit.
I think it's pretty much a Rube Goldberg contraption... I hope it
didn't cost too much.