Sheldon wrote:
> Dave Smith wrote:
> > Sheldon wrote:
> >
> > >
> > > > The one I bought has three separate burners on the bottom and a fourth one
> > > > across the back for rotisserie.
> > >
> > > Show me.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > 50,000 BTU triple burner
> > 15,000 BTU rotisserie burner
> When using in the rotisserie mode this is no longer a grill... it's a
> convertible thingie, see he
I already saw there. I sent you a link to the Broil King site.
I realize that you cannot use the grill while using the rotisserie, but I see no
problem with that. I am not running a restaurant. I can still roast things in there
while the rotisserie is doing it's thing.
> And still it mentions nothing about needing a pan under the food being
> rotisseried.
How right you are. When I posted that recipe I indicated that it was from an old
BBQ cookbook.
> And it's not a very good web site, doesn't really depict the unit other
> than with the lid shut on the home page.
I didn't build it. It has a Contact Us icon for you to address your concerns to the
folks at Broil King.
> The rotisserie unit is crap, especially that weak motor, and most
> especially the battery powered unit.
Oh? It is advertised as a heavy duty rotisserie. The battery powered unit is for
> I think it's pretty much a Rube Goldberg contraption... I hope it
> didn't cost too much.
I guess that is your way of admitting that you were wrong about BBQ grills with an
extra rotisserie burner across the back.