Deep Fryer
On Sun, 04 Jun 2006 23:53:44 -0500, OmManiPadmeOmelet wrote:
> In article >,
> jay > wrote:
>> >
>> > Save your money. All you need is a proper size saucepan and a frying
>> > thermometer.
>> Absolutely! And if you don't have a thermometer..just remove the pan from
>> heat source as you see the fry product coming along too rapidly.
> But that is so messy!!!
> Splatters grease all over the stove. :-(
> I have no regrets with the little Presto fry daddy.
> No temp control but it's really not needed.
> And no splattery mess.
> And it was only around 20 bucks.
It does splatter some but not much. Tall wall pan 1/3 full of oil. I
don't reuse oil. But nothing wrong with fry daddy if it works for you. The
pan I use cost more than 20$. We try not to fry too often..but I love
fried foods, especially oysters.