projectile vomit chick wrote:
> "Chris" > hit the crackpipe and declared:
> >Hi everyone,
> >
> >First of all, I haven't been around here in several months, so hello
> >again and I hope everyone's doing well and eating superbly.
> >
> >I have a friend in the early stages of chemo for breast cancer. It was
> >detected early, and she's having a mastectomy later this summer. She
> >has asked for vegetable-laden meals for her freezer, plus breads. She
> >is avoiding red meat, soy, and processed sugar.
> Isn't it funny how these picky health nuts are always the ones that
> drop dead or get some hideous disease?
Shades of Euell Gibbons.
Eat well, live long, and prosper... say YES to oral sex!