Rick F. wrote:
> In article <mKtgg.28356$QP4.16575@fed1read12>, Nonnymus wrote:
>> We get some really decent farm raised Salmon steaks at
>> Smith's here in town. I normally prepare it 1-2 times a
>> week. Usually, it's done by rubbing in olive oil, then
> Nonnymus --
> Not to side track your questions, but last I heard, you might
> want to reduce the amount of farm raised salmon you consume due
> to high levels of PCBs and other toxins that seem to be present
> only in the farm raised varieties.. A good overview of the
> issue can be found at :
> http://www.healthcastle.com/wildsalm...edsalmon.shtml
> Anyway, just thought I'd pass that along as I've not heard anything
> to the contrary since this info came out..
Thank you for the information. I appreciate your
consideration. I did notice that they label it as "color
added." The whole family loves Salmon, so I'll look around
for some wild, instead of the farm raised.